Hey Scotty, the Weeds are Winning: How Do I Fight Them?
You don’t have to be a grass guru to keep weeds in check and your lawn looking fab. All you need to know is that a weed free lawn can be achievable with a little lawn maintenance.
Spot the weeds and stop them in their tracks
Feed your lawn right, and weeds won’t stand a chance of a comeback
And there is a product designed to do both as simple and fuss-free as possible.
Lawn Builder Weed, Feed & Green Up is a ‘2 in 1’ is a hose-on liquid to feed, weed and green your lawn in one go. This lawn treatment saves you time, money and the bother of having to find three separate products to do what this single bottle can do.
Even better, our ergonomically designed Easy Sprayer puts the product on the lawn, not all over you and the rest of the garden! Simply click the bottle on to the hose, turn on the tap, slide the switch on the handle of the bottle to ON and away you go. Easy as!
This lawn treatment contains a combination of selective broadleaf herbicides to target the most common pesky weeds such as:
- Clover
- Bindii (jo-jo, Onehunga)
- Capeweed
- Chickweed
- Creeping oxalis (not in Tasmania)
- Cudweed
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Fleabane
- Lamb's tongue
- Wireweed
Now for the feed. It includes an easily absorbed, soluble nitrogen amongst other nutrients that provide a complete nutrition for lawns result in improved vigour within days of application. It will also Green-Up your lawn too! The boosted level of iron, present in a stable soluble form, is quickly absorbed for rapid greening of lawns.
Weed, Feed & Green Up can be safely used on lawns containing common couch, bent (but not on bent grass greens), Kikuyu, Perennial ryegrass and/or Chewings fescue ONLY.
If you are in any doubt as to what your lawn is, then use our Lawn Builder BUFFALO Weed, Feed & Green Up which can be applied to a broader range of grasses. This is important as most of the herbicides which are available to kill lawn weeds can often damage or kill Buffalo lawns. The main reason that weed killers damage Buffalo turf is due to the broad leaf of this grass variety. So rather than risk applying the wrong product and damaging your lawn, Buffalo Weed, Feed & Green-Up is a safe bet.
Don’t get us wrong, you can still weed and feed as separate tasks, especially if you already have a lawncare plan. A spot spray lawn weedkiller will target just the weeds and allow you to take care of any tiny troublemakers right then and there. Weeding out the little ones before they cause a big fuss gives more love back to the lawn.