Top 5 Australian Native Plants
Did you know that Australia has around 10% of the world's biodiversity? Not only are Australian Native plants low maintenance, sustainable and great attractors for birds and bees - there’s an Aussie Native for every garden style and potted combo theme. Just remember to check with your local council or nursery to make sure you pick plant species that are native to your area. Some natives are actually considered weeds in other parts of Australia.
Covering everything from the wonderfully weird Kangaroo Paw to the iconic Banksia ‘Bush Candle’ and with over 24,000 native species, picking our top 5 Australian Natives to grow at home was not an easy feat!
1. Banksia
Banksias are hardy, drought tolerant plants with serrated cut leaves and striking cone flowers that are highly attractive to birds and friendly pollinators. Their flowers are full of nectar that attracts bees, birds and small mammals.
Having quality drainage is critical for successfully growing Banksias as they are quite susceptible to root rot. To ensure the right soil condition, you can grow Banksias in pots filled with Scotts Osmocote Native Potting Mix. It’s tailor-made for Australian Natives and other phosphorus sensitive plants with added wetting agent to help roots absorb nutrients more efficiently and assist moisture retention.
2. Grevillea
Grevilleas are true Aussie icons that make a statement everywhere they grow! They come in a variety of shades, from red and yellow to pink and orange.
From decorative ground cover to shrubs and trees, you’ll always find a Grevillea variety that suits your garden. It’s not just us who love them! Their nectar-rich flowers are highly attractive to birds, bees and other friendly pollinators, improving your garden’s biodiversity.
Grevilleas love sunshine and they dislike having wet feet, so grow them in a sunny spot with good drainage. To give your Grevilleas a flying start and more beautiful blooms, sprinkle through some Scotts Osmocote Controlled-Release Fertiliser for Natives.
3. Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos)
Kangaroo Paw plants stand out for their unique fuzzy foliage and bright colouring that come in ranges of pink, red, yellow and green. So, if you’re looking for a vibrant splash of colour in garden beds or pots, it’s hard to go past these Aussie Natives. Their flowers are also full of nectar and attract a variety of wildlife including native birds, insects and some mammals.
Kangaroo Paws can be a little difficult to grow, with knowing when and how much to water being the biggest challenge. During their flowering season in spring and summer, Kangaroo Paws need lots of water as they grow and set their flowers, especially if they’re grown in pots.
To get the absolute best out of your Kangaroo Paw, give them full sun, Scotts Osmocote Native Potting Mix and Scotts Osmocote Controlled-Release Fertiliser For Natives each season.
4. Flannel Flower
Flannel Flowers will bring a stunning soft touch to your garden or potted combo with their velvety white flowers and silvery grey foliage. They are short lived natives that flower from August to January with a peak in spring. Flannel flowers naturally grow in coastal areas and sandy spots. Their roots don’t like overwatering, so keep the soil well-drained and remove any excess water.
Grown in all areas in Australia, except for the tropics, find a sunny spot in the garden that's protected from strong winds or grow them in the perfect spot in a pot. When grown in pots or hanging baskets it's important to feed your Australian Natives at the start of each season with a low-phosphorus fertiliser, like Scotts Osmocote Controlled-Release Fertiliser for Natives.
5. Everlasting Daisy (Xerochrysum bracteatum)
Also known as Paper Daisy or Strawflower, these hardy flowers thrive in full sun spots and produce long-lasting blooms from spring through to early autumn. Sow seeds in autumn for a stunning colourful display in spring.
Everlasting Daisies respond well to regular watering and an application of a controlled release fertiliser tailor-made for native plants. Also, to encourage bushier and renewed growth, prune the growing tips regularly.
Frequently Asked Questions about Australian native plants
What is the most popular native plant in Australia?
There are more than 24,000 native species in Australia. Arguably one of the most quintessentially Aussie native plants is the Gum Tree or Eucalyptus. They are home to some of our most iconic wildlife, including Koalas, and there are 800 different species in the country. The flowers also attract a wide range of native bee species.
What are some native flowers in Australia?
Some of our favourite native Australian flowers include Banksia, Spider Flower and Flannel Flower. Other popular native flowers in our part of the world include Waratah (Telopea), Everlasting Daisies and Native Bluebells.
What are popular plants in Australia?
Some of the most popular native plants in Australia include Eucalyptus, Waratah, Banksia, Melaleuca (known locally as Paper Barks, Tea Trees or Honey Myrtles), Spider Flowers, Flannel Flowers, and Golden Wattles.