Scotts Lawn Builder Bindii, Clover & Broadleaf Weedkill & Prevent Refill Pouch

Main product features
A lawn treatment that kills Bindii, Clover and other Broadleaf weeds. Developed specifically for all lawns including Buffalo.
This Refill Pouch is for use with the Scotts Lawn Builder Bindii Refillable bottle**.
The Refillable bottle has been designed to distribute the product via the superior Pro-Sprayer. A no mess, no mix, effective and easy solution for a weed-free lawn.
** to be purchased first
When to use
A combination of selective broadleaf herbicides targets those pesky weeds including bindii and clover. Refer to the label and how to use video for usage instructions.
Scotts Lawn Builder Bindii may be applied at any time of the year when weeds are actively growing. Autumn and Winter are the ideal times to target Bindii growth.
Health and Safety
Always read the pack label and product instructions carefully before use. For further information relating to product safety please review the product data safety sheet link below.