Why grow a lawn from seed?
- Growing a lawn from seed has several advantages over laying turf:
- The amount of seed you’ll need to sow a lawn costs much less than the amount of turf required to cover the same area.
- Seeding a lawn is faster than laying turf (although the soil preparation time is the same for both methods)
- Lawn seed establishes better in shade or in heavy clay soils than turf does, so it’s ideal for these tricky areas.
- There’s a wide range of grass mixes available, so you can choose one that’s exactly right for your garden conditions, whether that’s a shady area, a luxurious fine lawn or hard-wearing grass that can cope with children and pets.
- Seed deteriorates more slowly than turf, in fact it can last up to two years, so if the weather turns nasty, you can wait a week or two before seeding a lawn, whereas turf needs to be laid soon after delivery.
If you’ve decided that seeding a lawn is the best option for you, your next step is to decide what is the best grass seed for your lawn.
Choosing the best grass seed for your lawn
Before choosing your lawn seed, think about how you want to use your lawn – will it need to stand up to children playing, parties, and people walking on it regularly, or do you want a close-cropped smooth lawn that just needs to cope with light foot traffic? It’s also important to consider whether the lawn is mostly in sun or shade. Lawn seed mixes contain different proportions of various grass seeds to suit growing conditions and the type of lawn needed. Here are some of the most commonly used grass seeds.
- Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a fast-growing, hard-wearing grass that germinates fast and at lower temperatures than many other grass species. It doesn’t like to be cut too short – a good excuse for mowing less frequently! Perennial ryegrass is often mixed with other finer grasses to produce a lawn that looks good and stands up to hard use.
- Strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subsp. rubra) is fine-leaved, spreads by underground rhizomes and is good for filling in bare patches and for coastal gardens. Like perennial ryegrass, it doesn’t like to be cut too short. Although not particularly hard-wearing, it is drought tolerant, and recovers well after damage.
- Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis) has fine leaves that help to produce thick lawns and can cope with close mowing. It’s shade and drought tolerant and is often combined with ryegrass to produce a good-looking and hard-wearing lawn.
- Chewings Fescue (Festuca rubra subsp. communata) has fine blades and tufty growth, ideal for creating a luxurious lawn that can be mown very short. It’s not hard-wearing, so needs to be combined with tougher grasses like perennial ryegrass for high-use areas.
- Hard Fescue (Festuca trachyphylla) is a drought-tolerant fescue with fine leaves and tufty growth, good for dry or shady lawns.
- Smooth stalked meadow grass (Poa pratensis) is both shade tolerant and drought tolerant, so it’s ideal for growing under trees where dry shade is often a problem. It has fine leaves and a spreading habit that helps to produce thick lawns.
- Browntop bent (Agrostis capillaris) is a very fine-leaved grass that produces high quality lawns that can be close-mown. It needs regular lawn maintenance to keep it looking good and is not up to hard use unless mixed with stronger grasses like ryegrass or creeping fescue. It doesn’t grow well in shade.
If you want a hardwearing lawn that will stand up to lots of foot traffic, children and pets playing, then look for a lawn seed mix with a high percentage of perennial ryegrass and strong creeping red fescue, like Miracle-Gro Quick Grow Lawn Seed which has been specially formulated to germinate rapidly.
For shady lawns, choose mixes containing hard fescue and strong creeping fescue, plus slender creeping red fescue and browntop bent for looks.
Luxurious lawn mixes like Miracle-Gro Soft & Lush Lawn Seed are high in browntop bent and Chewings fescue, and these lawns will need annual lawn maintenance to keep them looking good. Applying a lawn feed like Miracle-Gro Complete 4 in 1 to established lawns will boost lawn health and control moss and weeds.