Privacy and cookies

Updated: 24th June 2024

Evergreen Garden Care (“Evergreen”) values your privacy and the confidentiality of the relationships that Evergreen may have with you. Our Personal Data Policy and our Cookie Policy will help you understand what types of personal data we may collect from visitors of our websites and more broadly as part of our activities, and how personal data are processed.

That is why we want to clarify the following points:

  • What personal data do we collect about you;
  • How do we obtain your personal data;
  • How do we use your personal data;
  • On what grounds we rely to use your personal data;
  • How long do we keep your personal data;
  • To whom we communicate your personal data;
  • In which countries we transfer your personal data;
  • How do we protect your personal data; and
  • Your rights regarding your personal data.

If you have any questions, you can contact us via one of the methods indicated in the «Contact us» section of our website, or by using the contact information below:

By post:

Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd, 1 Archipelago, Lyon Way, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7ER, UK.

By e-mail:

What are personal data?

This is any information relating to a natural person that may be identified, directly (for example, your last name, first name, etc.) or indirectly (IT login, IP address, etc.). If it is possible to identify a person, by cross-checking several pieces of information (name, e-mail address, etc.) or by using various technical means, the data is always considered personal.

In order for these data to no longer be considered as personal data, they must be anonymized so as to make it impossible to identify the person concerned: hidden names, blurred faces, etc.

Information on how we collect, process and store personal data following your interaction with Evergreen

What personal data are we likely to collect? How and why can we use them? What is the legal ground for personal data processing? What is the personal data retention process?

Your basic information: first name, last name (including prefix or title, nickname)

  • Respond and process your requests
  • Sending and/or posting of personalised communications or content
  • Managing your applications
  • Profiling**
  • Your consent
  • Performance of a contract
  • Legitimate interest
  • Legal obligation
  • Duration of contract and limitation period
  • Duration of the contest and one year from the end of the contest
  • Promotional offer duration and one year from the end of the contest
  • Duration of processing of the request and any duration defined in accordance with local regulations and instructions
  • Until the newsletter is unsubscribed or after eighteen months of inactivity
  • After a period of three years from the termination of any communication with our employees following prospecting
  • 6 months from the end of the hiring process

Your contact information: personal and/or business email address, telephone number, location

  • Respond and process your requests
  • Sending and/or posting of personalised communications or content
  • Managing your applications
  • Profiling**
  • Optimise the navigation on our website
  • Your consent
  • Performance of a contract
  • Legitimate interest
  • Legal obligation
  • Duration of contract and limitation period
  • Duration of the contest and one year from the end of the contest
  • Promotional offer duration and one year from the end of the contest
  • Duration of processing of the request and any duration defined in accordance with local regulations and instructions
  • Until the newsletter is unsubscribed or after eighteen months of inactivity
  • After a period of three years from the termination of any communication with our employees following prospecting
  • 6 months from the end of the hiring process

Professional information: your role or function, the company you work for

  • Respond and process your requests
  • Manage your applications
  • Your consent
  • Performance of a contract
  • After a period of three years from the termination of any communication with our employees following prospecting
  • 6 months from the end of the hiring process

Other information: whatever the means, the content publicly generated as a user and published on the Evergreen sites, as well as the publications, content, messages that you have submitted privately.

  • Respond and process your requests
  • Optimize the navigation on our website
  • Legitimate interest
  • Legal obligation

Duration of processing of the request and any duration defined in accordance with local regulations and instructions

Evaluations of products and related information (evaluation, rating, pseudonym, email address and location)

  • Publication of ratings and evaluations on our sites and those of our partners
  • Analysis of trends and evolution in consumption
  • Legitimate interest
  • Duration of processing of the request and any duration defined in accordance with local regulations and instructions

Newsletter subscription information

  • Sending and/or posting of personalised communications or content
  • Profiling**
  • Your consent
  • Until the newsletter is unsubscribed or after eighteen months of inactivity

Technical information: We (and third party service providers acting on our behalf) use cookies and other tools (such as web analytics tools, pixel tags and social media management tools) to automatically collect information about you when you use Evergreen Garden Care sites (type of browser, type of device, details of the web pages you visited, your IP address, hyperlinks you clicked on, your ID, profile photo, gender, geography, age group, interests, your networks and any other information you choose to communicate when you use Third Party Sites (such as when you use the “like” feature on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or Pinterest), and the websites you visited before arriving on the Evergreen Garden Care site)

*section likely to evolve according to the updates of the personal data policies of third-party service providers.

  • Publication of ratings and evaluations on our sites and those of our partners
  • Optimise the navigation on our website
  • Profiling**
  • Your consent
  • Legitimate interest
  • Duration of processing of the request and any duration defined in accordance with local regulations and instructions
  • After a period of three years from the termination of any communication with our employees following prospecting

How do we obtain your personal data?

We collect your personal data when you use Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd Sites and when you register on our website to hear from us or when you subscribe to our email newsletter.

How do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • responding and dealing with your query or request.
  • for future marketing (if you separately provide your consent to this).
  • analysing consumer trends and insights.
  • Publishing ratings and reviews on our website and retailer websites.
  • Optimising our website browsing experience.

How long will we keep your personal data?

For marketing purposes Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd will retain data for a period of three years from the point in which you register for such communications.

For business prospect purposes Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd will retain data for a period of three years from the point in which you stop communications with our employees.

With whom do we share your personal data?

Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd is a leading International garden goods company with products sold across UK, Europe and Australia. As an international business Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd may share your personal information with other Evergreen Garden Group Companies and trusted third parties based outside the country in which you live so that they may process that data on our behalf. We may share your personal information with:

  • our advertising, marketing and promotional agencies to help us deliver and analyse the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and promotions.
  • third parties required to deliver a product or service to you, such as a delivery or postal service delivering a product that you have ordered.
  • law enforcement or government authorities where they have followed due legal process to request us to disclose the information.
  • third-party services providers, such as web analytics tool providers, such as Google Analytics which provide a high reliable level of data, or Mail Chimp for email services.

If we do share your personal information with another Evergreen Garden Group Company or with trusted third parties, we shall use our best efforts to ensure that they keep your information secure, take all reasonable steps to protect it from misuse and only use it in a manner consistent with our instructions, this Privacy Notice and applicable data protection laws and regulations.

See the “Protecting your personal data” section for information on how we keep your personal data safe when sharing it with others.

Transfers of your personal data outside of your home country

Your personal data may be processed by Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd, its affiliated companies and Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd selected third party suppliers anywhere in the world, including in countries where data privacy laws may not be equivalent to, or as protective as, the laws in your home country.

These countries include:

  • European Union Countries.
  • United States of America.
  • Australia and New Zealand.

We will implement appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data remains protected and secure when it is transferred outside of your home country, in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws. These measures include data transfer agreements or implementing standard data protection clauses.

Protecting your personal data

We take all reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure and require any third parties that handle or process your personal information for us to do the same. Access to your personal information is restricted to prevent unauthorised access, modification or misuse and is only permitted among our employees and agents on a need-to-know basis.

Your rights

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we handle your personal information, then you may contact us by clicking the Contact Us link on Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd Site that directed you to this Privacy Notice.

You have the right to tell us that you:

  • don't want to be contacted in the future by us.
  • would like a copy of the personal information which we hold about you.
  • would like us to correct, update, or delete your personal information in our records.
  • wish to report any misuse of your personal information.

To assist us in dealing with your request, please provide your full name and details.

Objecting to our use of your personal data

If you object to the processing of your personal data, or if you have provided your consent to processing and you later choose to withdraw it, we will respect that choice in accordance with our legal obligations.

Your objection (or withdrawal of any previously given consent) could mean that we are unable to perform the actions necessary to achieve the purposes set out above (see ‘how do we use your personal data?’) or that you may not be able to make use of the services and products offered by us.

Data controller

Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd, 1 Archipelago, Lyon Way, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7ER, is the controller of your personal data.

Cookie disclosure, notice and consent

Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd uses a number of tools to collect information about you, your browsing device (desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet), and the web browser that you use to connect to our websites.

For example, cookies are tiny text files that we place on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our websites. We may use cookies to personalise your interactions with our websites. If you do not accept or delete cookies, some areas of our websites may take more time to work, or many not function properly.

For more information about cookies, see below. For more general information about cookies, click here:

Cookie disclosure notice and chart

This website uses cookies and may also use the services of third-party providers that deploy cookies in connection with their services.

We adopt the definition of cookies as defined by the European Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electric communications sector (as amended by directive 2009/136/EC) and provide information about the different categories of cookies below, as well as information about the types of cookies that we deploy on our web sites.

You can change your cookie preferences by clicking here.

Cookie categories

Category 1: necessary cookies

Category 1 cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features and view its contents.

Category 2: Preferences cookies

Category 2 cookies allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal or customized features. For instance, our website may be able to provide you with local or regional product information by storing in a cookie the region in which you are currently located.

These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to text size, fonts and other parts of the web pages that you can customise. They may also be used to provide services you have asked for such as watching a video or commenting on a blog.

The information these cookies collect may be anonymised and these cookies cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. 

You will need to provide consent before we place these cookies.

Category 3: statistics cookies

Category 3 cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, for instance which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. 

It is only used to improve how the website works. Category 3 cookies only collect information about website usage for the benefit of the website operator. 

You will need to provide consent before we place these cookies.

Category 4: marketing cookies (targeting, advertising)

Category 4 cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests, based on an analysis of your browsing. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as to help us measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

They are usually placed on your device by third-party advertising networks, but with our permission. These cookies remember that you have visited our website. This information is shared with other organisations such as other third-party advertisers, and will be linked to website functionality provided by other organisations. To be clear, Category 4 cookies collect the most information about users. You will need to provide consent before we set these cookies.

Cookies on our website

You can find a list of cookies placed by our website below.