Weeds are persistent garden invaders and can be divided into 4 groups. This will determine the best way of getting rid of them.
Annual weeds
The ones that last for one year or one growing season only, but which leave their seeds for next year and years to come.
Examples: fat hen, chickweed, groundsel, shepherd’s purse and speedwell.
Perennial and deep rooted weeds
The ones that keep coming back, year after year, that can grow again from even the smallest left-over segment.
Examples: ground elder, bindweed, couch grass, creeping thistle and dock.
Woody weeds
Seedlings and weeds that develop a woody stem.
Examples: brambles, Japanese knotweed, nettles and sycamore, ash and other tree seedlings.
Lawn weeds
The plants that can grow so vigorously, they simply ‘suffocate’ the grass.
Examples: dandelion, clover, buttercup and daisy.