Using lawn spreaders
What is a lawn spreader and how does it work? This handy piece of equipment is a must-have for gardeners who want to keep their lawn looking green and healthy. A lawn spreader allows you to sow seed or spread fertiliser evenly and at the right concentration over your lawn so there’s no risk of damaging your grass, and it’s faster, cleaner and more efficient than spreading by hand.
Drop spreaders vs rotary spreaders
Lawn spreaders can be divided into two types; drop spreaders and rotary spreaders. Both types have a hopper which holds the lawn care product and has one or more holes through which the product is spread onto the lawn. Whether you should choose a drop or rotary spreader depends on the layout and size of your lawn.
How to use a drop spreader
Drop spreaders have a hopper with a row of holes at the base which can be opened or closed by a lever on the handle. When the holes are open, the product drops straight onto the lawn below the spreader. Drop spreaders are best used in small gardens and particularly in areas where precision is needed, such as around the edges of flowerbeds or pathways. Because drop spreaders dispense product in a narrow strip, they are not ideal for large lawns.
How to use a rotary spreader
Rotary spreaders have a disc underneath the hopper that rotates as the spreader is pushed across the lawn. Lawn seed or fertiliser drops through the dispensing hole in the hopper onto this rotating disc and is cast across the lawn in a wide arc. Rotary spreaders are not as precise as drop spreaders but are more efficient for large lawns.
Lawn spreader settings and passes
Lawn spreaders can be used to distribute a range of lawn care products, such as grass seed, lawn food, moss killer etc, all of varying granule sizes. To make sure that these different-sized products flow through the dispensing holes at the correct rate, the hole size can be set to make it larger or smaller according to the product size. This avoids the risk of too much or too little product being spread on the lawn, potentially damaging it. The settings are adjusted via a dial, lever or gauge, depending on the spreader used. The correct spreader settings for grass seed and other lawn care products will usually be shown on the product packaging.
In addition to showing lawn spreader settings, product packaging will also give the number of passes across the lawn needed to give the right coverage for that product. If more than one pass is needed, the second pass should be done at right angles to the first pass to give even coverage over the lawn and avoid stripes.
For a drop spreader, the width of the strip covered by the grass seed or other lawn care product is defined by the width of the spreader. For rotary spreaders, the width of this strip can be affected by walking speed, and is usually stated on the equipment. If you want to check the dispersal width of your rotary lawn spreader, spread a tarpaulin or plastic sheet on a hard surface and do a practice run with the spreader filled and at the correct settings. The product can be swept up afterwards and returned to the package.
How to set your walking speed
Our spreader settings are designed to give the correct coverage at a walking speed of 1 metre per second, so before using your spreader to distribute product for the first time, spend some time getting used to walking at the right speed. Here’s how to set your walking speed:
- Place two markers 5 metres apart on the lawn.
- Pushing the empty spreader in front of you, walk in a straight line between the two markers and time how long this takes.
- Adjust your walking speed until you can consistently walk at an even pace between the markers in 5 seconds – in other words, at 1 metre per second.
How to use a lawn spreader
- Mow the lawn before using your lawn spreader.
- Place the spreader on a hard flat surface (not on the lawn) before filling it, so that any spilled product can be easily swept up and does not damage the lawn.
- Ensure the spreader holes are closed before filling the hopper – take care not to overfill, as this can damage the mechanism.
- Using the spreader settings information given on the product packaging, set the correct flow rate for the product.
- Start walking over the lawn, then press the lever to open the holes and distribute the product.
- When using a drop spreader, start by doing two passes around the perimeter of the lawn, followed by passes across the lawn. This creates a buffer zone, giving you space to turn the spreader at the end of each pass across the lawn.
- Close the dispensing hole at the end of each pass while turning the spreader.
- When using a rotary spreader with an edge guard, click this guard into place when working at the edges of the lawn so that product does not fall onto paths or beds.
- If you have to navigate around obstacles, close the dispensing hole, then move the spreader to a new position before starting to walk and opening the holes again.
- Once you have finished spreading, pour any excess product back into the package. Open the dispensing hole to the maximum and hose down the spreader to clean out any remaining product. Leave the dispensing hole open while the spreader dries.
How does a drop spreader work?
A drop spreader has a hopper with a row of holes in its base which can be opened and closed via a lever and adjusted in size to suit different lawncare products. When the spreader is pushed over the lawn and the holes are opened, the lawncare product drops onto the lawn directly under the spreader.
How does a rotary spreader work?
A rotary spreader has a hopper with a dispensing hole at the base which can be opened and closed and adjusted in size to suit different lawn care products. As the spreader moves, the product drops onto a rotating disc below the hopper which spreads the product in a wide arc across the lawn.