Autumn lawn care guide
After a long summer of getting the best out of your lawn, it is time to start preparing it for winter.
After a long summer of getting the best out of your lawn, it is time to start preparing it for winter.
As the weather starts to cool down at the end of the summer, how can you still make the most of your garden in autumn?
If your patio looks a little drab and uninteresting after a colourful summer, then plant up your containers with late...
The ban stopping the sale of bagged peat for the home gardener will mean that everyone will have to be gardening peat...
Here are just a few winter garden activities to get you started.
When growing vegetables in containers, it’s important to keep them well-watered, so the compost remains evenly moist...
Nothing says 'Christmas is on its way' like the smell of a real tree - let alone the joy of picking one and decorating...
There are two gardening seasons that seem to be busier than the others and that’s spring and autumn.
Growing your own fruit and veg is one of the most rewarding things you can do in the garden.
Most fruits are hardy enough for British gardens although apricot, peach, fig and grape need shelter from extreme...
Help is at hand for tackling those common problems that affect the majority of lawns.
Downy mildews are caused by fungus-like organisms that attack the leaves and other above-ground parts of plants.
Weeds are persistent garden invaders and can be divided into 4 groups.
The larvae of these insect pests eat away at the inside of leaves, causing tell-tale trails – or mines.
A lack of magnesium in the soil shows up as yellowing leaves on plants.
Ever wondered how tea is produced? Let us take you on the process and hopefully inspire you to grow your own tea.