Miracle-Gro® Peat Free Premium Seeds, Plugs & Young Plants Compost

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Miracle-Gro® Peat Free Premium Seeds, Plugs & Young Plants Compost

Size: 20 litres

Main product features

Aids germination
11 vital nutrients
5 weeks feed
Made in the UK

Aids germination: Contains a special coir and woodfibre combination that creates a perfect balance of air and water, to aid germination and grow strong roots.

11 vital nutrients: This compost contains a careful balance of 11 nutrients that give your seeds and young plants the best start and help them to grow strong and healthy – including nitrogen for green growth and phosphorus for healthy roots.

Feeds for 5 weeks: Gives all the vital food for your seeds and young plants to provide healthy grow from the start. However, some plants are hungrier than others so may require feeding earlier. If leaves start to pale this is a sign to start feeding, and we recommend using a Miracle-Gro® Plant Food. Try to avoid compost in pots drying out.

When to use


How to use

For seeds: Fill a clean seed or module tray with the compost. Level off the compost with your hand or a ruler. Firm lightly and water using a fine rose. Sow the seeds thinly. Cover the seeds lightly with compost, firming lightly. For smaller seeds such as Petunia or Lobelia there is no need to cover the seed. Cover seed tray with a lid to retain warmth and moisture but remove cover once germinated. Make sure the tray is kept out of direct sunlight. Follow the recommendations on the seed packet for each plant. When the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into individual pots, take care to handle them by the leaves and not by the stems or roots.

For plus and young plants: Fill the container with the compost. Place the plug or young plant in a hole in the compost. Firm lightly and water using a fine rose. Keep in a warm, well-lit place, out of direct sunlight. Water again only when the compost dries out. Only plant out once the risk of frost has gone. After 5-6 weeks, plants should be potted up using Miracle-Gro® Peat Free All Purpose Compost. After that, maintain strong growth by feeding with Miracle-Gro® Plant Food.

NOTE: We strongly recommend using Miracle-Gro Peat Free Premium Azalea, Camellia & Rhododendron, Ericaceous Compost for acid loving plants like Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Heather.

Where to use

Ideal for seeds, plugs and young plants.


Fills 5 standard seed trays 34 cm × 21 cm (13.5" × 8.25").


  • Always wear gloves when gardening.
  • Use in a well ventilated place and avoid breathing in dust.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Store in a cool place, away from sun.
  • Open bag carefully and reseal after use.

Q1: With what have you replaced peat in the compost?

A1: Miracle-Gro® compost contains forest by-products, carefully processed into wood fibre to help you grow plants that improve your environment and make the world a more beautiful place.

Health and Safety

Always read the pack label and product instructions carefully before use. For further information relating to product safety please review the product data safety sheet link below.

Miracle-Gro® Peat Free Premium Seeds, Plugs & Young Plants Compost main image
Miracle-Gro® Peat Free Premium Seeds, Plugs & Young Plants Compost 20 litres (other sizes available)
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