Lawn moss killer and moss control

A moss-filled lawn can be a challenge. Moss is usually a sign of poor drainage, and if not treated properly can really… Read more

A moss-filled lawn can be a challenge. Moss is usually a sign of poor drainage, and if not treated properly can really start to take over a huge stretch. Over time, it can even outcompete grass completely. So, how do you get rid of moss in your lawn? We’ve got the products to help.

We offer a selection of moss-killing products that will solve the problem quickly. From premium versions with bacteria that eats the dead moss, to more traditional Mosskill that needs raking out, you’ll be able to resolve your moss challenges in no time. Our moss control products also contain feed, so your lawn will be nourished while you protect it from being overcome.

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5 results

Miracle-Gro® Complete Lawn Food Concentrated Liquid


Miracle-Gro® Complete 4 in 1


Miracle-Gro® Complete Lawn Food


Miracle-Gro® EverGreen® Autumn Lawn Care